بابهتی هاوشیوه
هاوڕێیان سڵاوی خوای گهورهتان لێ بێ
پرۆگرامسازهكان چونكه بهردهوام كۆد ئهنوسن و كۆد بهكار ئههێنن بهردهوام وازانن ئهم جیهانه به كۆد ئیش ئهكا بۆیه هاوسهرهكانمان دهستیان خۆشبێ كه ئهم كورته چیرۆكهیان لهسهر دهركردوین ، ئهگهر ڕاستش نهبێ ئهوه شتی وا ههیه ...
بهڕاستی ئهم نوكتهیه زۆر لهلام جوانبوو كه له سایتی (نبض المعانی) بڵاوكراوهتهوه كه باسی یهكێك له پرۆگرامسازان ئهكا كه ئێواره درهنگ دێتهوه گفتوگۆ لهگهڵ هاوسهرهكهی ئهكا ، ئهم باسه كهمێك دوره له ژیانی خۆمانهوه بهڵام تهنها بۆ پێكهنینه
Husband (returning late from work): Good evening dear, I’m logged
Wife: Have u brought the groceries
Husband: Bad Command or file name
Wife: But I told u in the morning
Husband: syntax error. Abort
Wife: what about my new T.V
Husband: Variable not found
Wife: At least, give me your credit card; I want to do some shopping
Husband: sharing violation, access denied
wife: Do u love me or do u love computers or are u just being funny
Husband: Too many parameters
Wife: It was a great mistake that I married an idiot like u
Husband: Type mismatch
Wife: U r useless
Husband: It’s by default
Wife: Wt about your salary
Husband: file in use…try later
Wife: What is my value in this family
Husband: Unknown virus
پرۆگرامسازهكان چونكه بهردهوام كۆد ئهنوسن و كۆد بهكار ئههێنن بهردهوام وازانن ئهم جیهانه به كۆد ئیش ئهكا بۆیه هاوسهرهكانمان دهستیان خۆشبێ كه ئهم كورته چیرۆكهیان لهسهر دهركردوین ، ئهگهر ڕاستش نهبێ ئهوه شتی وا ههیه ...
بهڕاستی ئهم نوكتهیه زۆر لهلام جوانبوو كه له سایتی (نبض المعانی) بڵاوكراوهتهوه كه باسی یهكێك له پرۆگرامسازان ئهكا كه ئێواره درهنگ دێتهوه گفتوگۆ لهگهڵ هاوسهرهكهی ئهكا ، ئهم باسه كهمێك دوره له ژیانی خۆمانهوه بهڵام تهنها بۆ پێكهنینه
Husband (returning late from work): Good evening dear, I’m logged
Wife: Have u brought the groceries
Husband: Bad Command or file name
Wife: But I told u in the morning
Husband: syntax error. Abort
Wife: what about my new T.V
Husband: Variable not found
Wife: At least, give me your credit card; I want to do some shopping
Husband: sharing violation, access denied
wife: Do u love me or do u love computers or are u just being funny
Husband: Too many parameters
Wife: It was a great mistake that I married an idiot like u
Husband: Type mismatch
Wife: U r useless
Husband: It’s by default
Wife: Wt about your salary
Husband: file in use…try later
Wife: What is my value in this family
Husband: Unknown virus